Kenya Kabare Karani AB

The Kabare Cooperative Society oversees 11 washing stations in Kirinyaga disrict, mainly on the southern slopes of Mount Kenya. With a membership of 12,300 farmers, the coop is managed by 9 elected board members.

The Karani washing station represents about 600 of these small farmers, with a total intake of 450,000 kg of cherry per season. "Karani" is the kikuyu name of the original owners of the farm where this washing station was later built.  Farms in the area cultivate coffee in sandy volcanic soil. Coffee is selectively hand-picked, fermented and washed using fresh water from the Ragati river, and meticulously sun-dried on raised beds.

The peaks of snow-capped famous Mt. Kenya are very visible from the factory, and the sprinkler irrigation taking place across the Ragati River on the famous Kibirigwi Irrigation Scheme, help to make the area particularly scenic.

Cupping notes (April 2018): Complex, rich body. Flavors of orange peel, lemonade, floral and berry.

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