Krista Gray

Random fact about me: I’m obsessed with Dateline, 48 Hours and 2020.

Krista’s training for specialty coffee began 20 years ago, as a preschool teacher helping kids to learn the value of organization and coloring between the lines. Not much has changed since! She’s been with InterAmerican for 15 years, first as a trading assistant and traffic coordinator and today as the invaluable customer service lead in our San Diego office, keeping traders and customers organized and every detail checked and tracked on colorful spreadsheets.

Krista loves the people in specialty coffee and the opportunity to learn something new every day. She's an avid sports fan, specifically rooting for the San Francisco Giants, 49ers and Golden State Warriors. She enjoys hiking, going to the beach and wine tasting with her husband and Golden Retriever, Maya.

First concert: New Kids on the Block.

Favorite company outing: SF Giants baseball game.

Favorite coffee experience: I loved going to my first Coffee Fest, a couple years ago. I was so happy to get to meet a lot of the customers I correspond with on a daily basis! 

Neumann Kaffe Gruppe InterAmerican Coffee is a Neumann Kaffee Gruppe Company | ©2024 NKG Intl. | Site by SeaMonster Studios