Thanksgiving Holidays Celebrations— and Delays

Thanksgiving is already next week! Please note that InterAmerican Coffee offices and our warehouse partners across the country will be closed Thursday, Nov. 25, and Friday, Nov. 26, in observance of the holiday.

In addition to a chill in the air, and the mingling scents of pumpkin spice and woodsmoke, this holiday inevitably also brings ... shipping delays.

Over the past two years, we have been dealing with unprecedented delays in the supply chain. Carriers are still working against staffing shortages, and while warehouses do their best to accommodate, scheduled pickups aren't always fulfilled. Added to this now are increased volumes of holiday orders and a shortened holiday week. Additional delays are simply inevitable.

The very best advice we can offer you is to get ahead of the delays. Please, place your orders as early as possible to create some wiggle room for backups at the warehouse and potentially slower deliveries. With a bit of cushion in your timeline, you'll have a much happier holiday season.

Customer Service Is Here for You!

Please know, we're not only thankful for you — we're here for you! Our Customer Service team includes seasoned professionals who will do everything possible to push your orders through. As always, providing all order details upfront will improve communication and cut down on unnecessary revisions.

Thank you for partnering with us each and every day, and an extra big thank-you for helping us to help you make this holiday season as stress-free as possible.

Wishing you and yours a safe and restorative Thanksgiving holiday weekend!
Your friends at InterAmerican Coffee •

Neumann Kaffe Gruppe InterAmerican Coffee is a Neumann Kaffee Gruppe Company | ©2024 NKG Intl. | Site by SeaMonster Studios