Christopher (CJ) Ryu

Profession you wanted to be as a kid: Military historian and filmmaker.

Christopher, who goes by CJ, is a graduate of Seton Hall University, where he studied finance and economics.

His journey to InterAmerican Coffee was a culmination of his love for coffee, his interest in learning about specialty coffee and his fascination with commodity markets.  CJ will be assisting the Trade, Logistics and Customer Support teams in servicing our great roaster clients.

Before InterAmerican, Chris worked in the golf industry (one of his passions) and at his family’s cotton commodities company.

A random fact about me is:  My friends and I got very into board games. So much so that one of us started a board game company. Now we all help to create, test and market the board game at conferences! Recommendation: Mycelium: A Mushing’s Game.

Favorite coffee experience: I visited a coffee farm in Costa Rica on a high school trip.  I got to watch the workers perform a controlled burn on part of the farm, see what coffee cherries and parchment look like, and even cup some of their coffee!

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