Erika Hernandez

Erika Hernandez has been an asset to InterAmerican Coffee since 2003.

Erika Hernandez has served as office manager of the InterAmerican San Diego office and now heads the company's sustainable green coffee sourcing.

Her passion for sustainability and organic coffee has lead her on many trips to origin, where she has created relationships with producers from all over the world.

For many years, Erika has led the team's daily cuppings. She is a certified Q Grader and has participated in the Cup of Excellence competition as a cupping judge for Rainforest Alliance coffees. She has also volunteered with the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI).

Erika is fluent in English and Spanish and is an excellent teacher. She loves to teach cupping and every aspect of the coffee business. Her motto is: "Wisdom begins in wonder."

Erika has a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Business from San Diego State University.

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