Ryan Bennett

Favorite movie: “Poltergeist.” I love horror movies

Ryan Bennett is a native Houstonian and a fifth-generation Texan who comes from a family of Aggies. He received a Bachelor of Science in Economics with a minor in Business Management from Texas A&M.

He previously worked as a merchandiser for Total Wine & More. This is his first role in the coffee industry, though he’s enjoyed coffee since his days in high school. He’s excited to learn more about the industry and all it has to offer.

Ryan enjoys music and tries to see as much live music as possible. (White Oak Music Hall is his favorite venue.) He’s currently learning to play the guitar, which has made his appreciation for music much deeper. Ryan is also a lifelong fan of the Houston Astros and tries to catch every game. You can also find him gaming and watching movies.

First concert: Garth Brooks 

A random fact about me is: I've never broken a bone

What I wanted to be as a kid: An MLB player

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