Shaa’ista Sabir

Best coffee memory? Competing with a natural Indonesian coffee at USCC and seeing so many people's perspectives on Asian/Indonesian coffees change!

Shaa'ista Sabir is a writer, self-love advocate, forever auntie and part-time dancing machine. Her background is in theatre and the social sciences, and she has two master’s degrees in writing (Creative and Digital). Her focus has primarily been on the representation of Black women and other marginalized groups in digital media, all while encouraging everyone to "revel in your greatness.”

Since 2015, Shaa'ista has worked in coffee as a barista, manager and most recently as a competitor in the U.S. Coffee Championships Brewer’s Cup Competition. One of her favorite aspects of the industry is being able to support others in their goals and coffee journeys. She also loves to know how the "whole machine works" and is a lifelong learner, because access is a key component to equity.

Shaa'ista was selected as a 2023–2024 NKG PACE Partner and left Atlanta, Ga., to join the InterAmerican Coffee team in San Diego.

First album you ever bought? The “Brown Sugar” original motion picture Soundtrack. It’s essentially a compilation of Hip-Hop and R&B/Soul featuring new songs by Mos Def/Black Star. It also answers the question: “When did you first fall in love with hip hop?"

First concert? The Scream Tour: Lil Bow Wow, B2K, Marquis Houston and Mario.

A random fact about you is: I'm allergic to beef. Literally.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A nurse, like my mom!

Neumann Kaffe Gruppe InterAmerican Coffee is a Neumann Kaffee Gruppe Company | ©2024 NKG Intl. | Site by SeaMonster Studios