Coffees We’re Loving this Valentine’s Day

There's a home for every coffee, and every coffee is right for someone, and we adore our complete offering list. But we'd be lying if we said we didn't all have our favorites. We asked our trading team which coffees they're loving these days, and here's what they said:

Kayd Whalen, Senior Vice President, San Diego
Rwanda Fully Washed Shyira A1—I recently roasted this coffee to drink at home. Its tropical, creamy and sweet, and it arrived in late 2018 in Grainpro, from our friends at Muraho Trading Company. Beautiful and complex! #perfectweekend #chemex

Crystal Reyes, Head of Logistics, Trader, Houston
For Valentine’s Day this year, I think I will roast up a honey for my Honey. I love the Costa Rica Palmichal El Cedral Honey. This coffee is well balanced with a subtle fruit note.

Camila Topke, Junior Trader, Houston
The coffee I love is Ethiopia Misty Valley. Why? They integrated the natural process in Ethiopia, which previously would only process washed coffee. Naturals were associated with fermented/rot and mold, which now are very popular, following the care and quality that the farmers of Misty Valley have been doing. The profile is a blueberry bomb, with cranberry, lemon and almond-butter notes and a winey acidity. Thanks to this, now more countries apply the natural process, offering a clean and great cup!

Josh Burdett, Head of the Houston Office
One of my favorites is the Brazil Oberon. While it isn't the highest-scoring coffee, it does hold its own against any other regional blend from Brazil. Throughout my time at IAC, the Oberon has been one of the most consistent types we sell from crop to crop. This didn't happen by accident, as it's a profile that has been established over time through the great relationship we have with our sister-company Stockler. I've seen all sorts of roasters put the Oberon to work, from those looking for a balanced single-origin offering to those looking to beef up an espresso blend. The super-competitive price point allows roasters to be more flexible without sacrificing quality. Oberon is one of the most hard-working and dependable coffees you will find.

Dana Andrews, Trader, San Diego
Ethiopia Sidamo Shantewena, from Daya Bensa. It's impossible to drink this coffee and not think about where it comes from—and how people sing and dance as they process coffee in Ethiopia. All that joy is truly in the cup! Plus, I get notes of strawberry, blueberry, chocolate, liquor, vanilla. When I drink this coffee, I feel loved right back!

Emiliano Rice, Trader, Providence
Fair Trade Organic Guatemala Guaya’b—I love this coffee for its slightly fruity, sweet and exceptionally balanced profile. In addition, it’s a coffee produced by a wonderful co-op that we’ve worked with for many years and that works incredibly hard to comply with the Fair Trade standards, embrace environmental stewardship and empower their associates.

John Mason, Senior Vice President
I’m loving me some Ethiopia Misty Valley magic! Just the right mix: hint of dark fruit, milk chocolate and honey. A great wintertime brew!

Gerra Harrigan, Head of Providence Trading
I love the newly arrived Brazil Oberon Ayaba. We just received our first shipment of this traceable Brazil. Using scannable QR codes that are printed on every bag, roasters can immediately access the bio of the farm. It costs just a few cents more that our staple Oberon, and considering it delivers such direct access to the producer, it’s well worth it. I cupped the arrival this week and it was a very nice cup: peanut butter, creamy, red fruit, great body.

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